Holiday Homes & Baches in Hervey Bay

Holiday Homes & Baches in Hervey Bay

Start comparing over 75 rentals in Hervey Bay and book at the best price!

Find Holiday Rentals & Lettings in Hervey Bay

Prices and availability

Current Holiday letting prices Hervey Bay

NZ$258for 29 Mar - 5 Apr
NZ$356 annual average
Average price per week

Current holiday letting availability Hervey Bay

19%for 29 Mar - 5 Apr
44% annual average
Percentage of available homes

FAQs: Holiday Rentals & Lettings in Hervey Bay

How much do the holiday rentals in Hervey Bay cost on average?

Holiday homes in Hervey Bay offer the best prices, costing on average NZ$215.22 per night in 2020, which makes it the most money-saving holiday destination in Australia.

When can you get the best deals on holiday homes in Hervey Bay?

If you are looking to get the most out of your money, the most affordable months to visit Hervey Bay are May (NZ$178.5 per night for accommodation, on average), November (NZ$179.95), and June (NZ$181.86).

When does the price of holiday homes in Hervey Bay go up the most?

When it comes to looking for a holiday rental in Hervey Bay, the months when it is most expensive are, in descending order, September, August and October with average prices per night of NZ$301.04, NZ$267.28, and NZ$260.34, respectively.

Do I need to plan a trip to Hervey Bay well in advance?

It's worthwhile if you book your stay in plenty of time when visiting Hervey Bay, as only 15% of our properties are usually available throughout the year.

When are more holiday homes available?

In 2019, the months with the largest number of properties available in Hervey Bay were February, October, and May with average availabilities of 22.25 %, 19% and 16.8%, respectively.

During which months are there fewer homes available in Hervey Bay?

According to data from 2020, the months when it is most difficult to find accommodation in Hervey Bay are, in order, January (with 8.4% of available rentals), December (11.25%), and July (12%).

Are there many holiday homes in Hervey Bay?

Holidu offers around 160 accommodations in Hervey Bay from 2 different partners, so you will find the perfect type of accommodation you are looking for. We've got you covered!